This website has been generously Sponsored by the Saka Family.
In memory of Becky Saka, Bahia Zlata Bat Shemuel A"H

Keriat Shema
The time of Keriat Shema in the morning
You have the whole day to read the shema!
What part of shema is min hatorah
IS keriat shema really min hatorah
Shema Of Korbanot
Until When can you say the beracha of Yotser
Can one have a second chance if he missed keriat shema?
Rashbash's answer for why we don't say a beracha for shema.
If someone said ahavat olam before yotzer or
Ahavat olam ir Ahavat rabba
Why do i have to stop during shema to answer kaddish osek bemitsva!
Osek bemitzva part II
Can one answer birkat kohanim during keriat shema
Yeshe shemeh rabba during keriat shema
What part of the kedusha does one answer during keriat shema
Can one answer amen to shomea tefila during keriat shema
3 or 5 amens
Thunder during shema 'vezot hatorah
why don't we say the whole Shema aloud?
Why do we want to get to 248 words in Shema.mp3
Shenaim mikra of the pasuk Shema Israel
The mystery of Baruch shem etc.
Repeat Hashem Elokechem Emet
Someone who cannot read the Shema but can think it
Answer to the mistery of Baruch Shem
women and keriat shema
can one stand for shema