This website has been generously Sponsored by the Saka Family.
In memory of Becky Saka, Bahia Zlata Bat Shemuel A"H

Rabbi Koskas has a unique background: he is vibrant, young and eager; his learning spans the globe; and he is well-versed in Aram Soba's traditions and hazanut. Originally from France, Rabbi Koskas learned under Rabbi Yaakov Toledano in Paris at a young age. He then went on to further his learning at the prestigious Gateshead Yeshiva in England under the guidance of Rabbi Matisyahu Salomon. Eventually Rabbi Koskas was convinced to move to the United States, where he learned not only in Lakewood, New Jersey-where he once-again reunited with Rabbi Salomon-but also spent a number of years under the tutelage of Rabbi Elya Ber Wachtfogel in South Fallsburg Yeshiva-considered today to be one of the most prestigious yeshivot in the world. When Rabbi Koskas was approached by the members of Magen David, he was in Mexico City, Mexico learning in kollel under the guidance of the Gaon Rabbi David Shwekey. Throughout the years, Rabbi Koskas has developed extraordinarily close relationships-a mere phone call away- with all the rabbis from where he has learned. He regularly consults with them when the need arises. The community and Rabbi Koskas are also members of the Sephardic Rabbinical Council of Brooklyn, New York under the leadership of Chief Rabbi Saul Kassin, Shalit"a.Rabbi Koskas brings with him a tremendous wealth of Torah knowledge and a deep understanding of complex concepts and laws. His fluency of multiple languages-Hebrew, English, French, Spanish and Yiddish-is of great worth, especially since guests from Latin America, Canada, Europe and Israel regularly find their way to Magen David. With the arrival of Rabbi Koskas, the community has experienced the tremendous growth that the Board was looking for, both in learning and in the number of congregants.

Due to the community's expansion over the last several years from local families moving to the area and seasonal visitors from various communities-Brooklyn, Deal, Mexico, Panama and Argentina-we are now on the verge of a major growth spurt. The current and future expected growth and needs of our community have prompted us to begin taking immediate steps for the complete redevelopment and expansion of our current building. Our aim is to build a new world-class edifice to host all of the different children, youth and adult programs and social affairs our community needs.Join us as we transform our current building, our Knis, to become a highly visible and beautiful landmark. Share with us in this unique opportunity and great misvah. Be part of and leave your mark in what we hope, Be'ezrat Hashem, this expansion will allow us to continue to: serve and inspire the community-men, women and children alike-to pray and study at the highest levels and pass down to our children our rich Syrian-Sephardic Torah heritage and traditions in South Florida.