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This website has been generously Sponsored by the Saka Family.
In memory of Becky Saka, Bahia Zlata Bat Shemuel A"H

If a hazzan hears kaddish from another minyan, does he answer
Can someone learn in the middle of Yotser if the Hazzan is taking too long
Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
00:00Can someone learn in the middle of Yotser if the Hazzan is taking too long.mp3 - Rabbi Koskas
00:00birkot hatorah before ahavat olam - Rabbi Koskas
00:00birkot hatorah before ahavat olam
Can i say Yishtabah during yotser - Rabbi Koskas
00:00Can i say Yishtabah during yotser
The kedusha of Yotser (big Hidush) - Rabbi Koskas
00:00The kedusha of Yotser (big Hidush)
does one answer the kedusha of yotser if he is during pesuke dezimra - Rabbi Koskas
00:00does one answer the kedusha of yotser if he is during pesuke dezimra
If a hazzan hears kaddish from another minyan, does he answer - Rabbi Koskas
00:00bottom of page